
Summer School 2021 on Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence

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In 2004, Professor He Jifeng, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and founding dean of the School of Software Engineering of East China Normal University, initiated and presided over the establishment of the "Trusted Software International Summer School", aiming to provide a platform for graduate students and young researchers in computer science or software engineering to learn state-of-the-art techniques in related fields. which is held in Shanghai, China every summer vacation, and has been successfully held for 16 consecutive sessions. The summer school focuses on a theme in the field of trusted software every year, and invites 3-5 international experts to offer excellent courses in English for students.

This year, the Trusted Software International Summer School will focus on "Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence" and carry out a week-long activity. In addition, the attendees of the summer school will also have the opportunity to link to two keynote sessions and all academic sessions on Aug 25-26 from the international conference TASE 2021: International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Software Engineering.


We are delighted to invite two world-leading computer scientists to introduce their latest results towards formal methods for trustworthy Artificial Intelligence.

  • Frederic Mallet, Côte d'Azur University

  • Kristin Yvonne Rozier, Iowa State University


Courses will be delivered in English. Students are expected to be (but are not limited to) graduate students in Computer Science, Software Engineering or Mathematics.

Due to the coronavirus crisis, all the lectures would be given online virtually in this year. Audiences are required to prepare a laptop in advance and connect to the Internet. We would use VooV Meeting/腾讯会议 to deliver the lectures online. The meeting information will be provided before the lecture is started.


You can scan the QR code below to sign up!

Important Dates

  • Deadline for application: 2021-07-15
  • Summer School: 2021-08-23 -- 2021-08-27

News and Events

For more up-to-date information, please click here.

2021-07-19 NEW! The information of lecturer Kristin Yvonne Rozier and her course can be found at Schedule page.

Contact & Organizers

Contact: Software Engineering Institute, East China Normal University.

Tel: (021)62231256 (Ms. Tingting Hu)

Email: tth@sei.ecnu.edu.cn

Address: The Science Building East China Normal University, 3663 N. Zhongshan Rd., Shanghai

Postcode: 200062

Our speakers are supported by the following institutes: